333311111 posts

13-October-2021 Wednesday
Reply to the post "Well, I was overtaken by punishment"

30-September-2021 Thursday
Remembered the comment, it was a long time ago. But maybe someone else had such an experience) Then everything was easier

24-August-2021 Tuesday
And don't argue.

09-May-2021 Sunday
Help with Danish hot dog bun recipe

02-December-2020 Wednesday
Response to the post "Don't tip at Yand Gas Stations!"

29-November-2020 Sunday
What did you break

22-November-2020 Sunday
No rating. I ask for advice

11-August-2020 Tuesday
Where, chase me, but where...

29-July-2020 Wednesday
Need to have courage and purpose?

29-July-2020 Wednesday
From the bar.

29-July-2020 Wednesday
joke from a foreigner

29-July-2020 Wednesday
Swiss francs

28-July-2020 Tuesday
Could this be of interest to anyone?

09-April-2020 Thursday
Inflections in places?

04-April-2020 Saturday
Care :)

29-March-2020 Sunday
Saratov ahead of the cart, Omsk will answer?

23-March-2020 Monday
Novosibirsk "Vector", does this confuse me alone?

22-March-2020 Sunday
Everything you need to know about Saratov

20-March-2020 Friday
I don't understand anything about what's going on here.

15-March-2020 Sunday
Question to the community

21-February-2020 Friday
It’s terrifying to feel like a moron (of course they are), but I’m also not good at sharpening cutters
