best comments
Response to the post "About the substations of Ukraine"
Response to the post "About the substations of Ukraine"
A bit about Linkin park
The battery stopped working something, look.
And one more text from the Ukrainian. As usual, multi-letter, and as usual, it's worth it.
Today I realized how I look like a bum.
Response to the post "Providers demanded that FAS deal with Roskomnadzor due to YouTube slowdown. Wow!"
I want to be a man.
Dominate conquer humiliate
"The Russian is to blame"
GoPro? no, I haven't heard.
Another divorce
Breaking News Technology - TSN.
Computer steering wheel + hoverboard
Harsh Ukrainian politicians
10 things that will happen to anyone who reads more
I am looking for a fantastic story
and you? :D
Be patient, man! (a long post about the attitude of women towards their men)
European salaries in Ukraine
27 crew members of the destroyer "Donald Cook" submitted a letter of resignation.
Another divorce
System Administrator's Nightmare
Chizh&BECK - Eternal youth
Good advice
I want to be a man.
Homechik :3
I am looking for a fantastic story
Reflections on the topic
Leo Boniface
Dedicated to those who will be left without vacation in the summer
Have you by any chance eaten an ear?