22fed22 comments

26-January-2018 Friday
Running Fallout 2 on a Windows 10 tablet

07-January-2018 Sunday
Peekaboo and Bla Bla Car. Another story about minibuses or ...

23-November-2017 Thursday
For those who don't read comments

24-September-2017 Sunday
I am learning to draw. Day 3

14-September-2017 Thursday
How am I trying to complete a 3D puzzle

14-September-2017 Thursday
2D artist. Looking for a job for money or for the soul

31-July-2017 Monday
17 mind-blowing insanity that awaits on the shelves of children's books

23-July-2017 Sunday
Return of the miser

10-July-2017 Monday
Newsletter #303: Forced car sharing helped the Indonesian capital fight traffic congestion

03-July-2017 Monday
Remedy for problems

07-June-2017 Wednesday
Pixel game: Space bolt. Does anybody want?

07-June-2017 Wednesday
How to make friends with a child with the multiplication table

09-February-2017 Thursday
A little about fingerprinting
