13aibol posts

16-November-2014 Sunday
Oh, stop imagining!

31-August-2014 Sunday

15-August-2014 Friday
I need a friend.

30-July-2014 Wednesday
Game of Bones

26-June-2014 Thursday
Need advice on computer clubs.

31-May-2014 Saturday
Branch of sexologists-experts

25-May-2014 Sunday
I'm saving up for a rainy day. http://pikabu.ru/story/_2147074

26-March-2014 Wednesday
I hope this isn't true. But, just in case, be vigilant.

25-February-2014 Tuesday
It is difficult for bespectacled people in winter.

25-February-2014 Tuesday
It is difficult for bespectacled people in winter.

17-February-2014 Monday
Too lazy to wash dishes?

28-January-2014 Tuesday
Collection of vinyl toys. Long Post

24-November-2013 Sunday
Probably no one cares, but still.

24-November-2013 Sunday
And what is not in vain?

22-November-2013 Friday
Broken fingers of a nerd.

21-November-2013 Thursday
Internet scammers or honest people?
