12345basia posts

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20-February-2018 Tuesday
Purim and other holidays in Israel. What are synagogues? Picnic is my favorite pastime.

19-February-2018 Monday
All people are brothers: what is Israel, what is Russia, there is almost no difference. A bit of Russian outback. We will continue about Israel tomorrow.

16-February-2018 Friday
A trip to a peripheral Israeli store.

15-February-2018 Thursday
Passing a driving test is not an easy task. Adventures of repatriates from different countries. Hero.

12-February-2018 Monday
Jews from Russia are always "Russian". Repatriation of the 90s.

07-February-2018 Wednesday
What is giyur? Why is it needed? Repatriates with experience.

06-February-2018 Tuesday
It is worth moving to Israel either as a child or as an old man. How does it happen?

05-February-2018 Monday
Multinational ulpan, first acquaintances.

02-February-2018 Friday
The first lessons of seniors on repatriation. Who are the creative people of Karmiel?

01-February-2018 Thursday
Who is a Jew and why. Is it worth becoming a repatriate?

31-January-2018 Wednesday
The True Story of Ulpan's Disciples.

30-January-2018 Tuesday
To whom how to live, to whom how to study. Ulpan.

29-January-2018 Monday
Who are the Falashmura? Ulpan starts. New impressions.

27-January-2018 Saturday
Repatriation is a delicate matter. Location orientation.

25-January-2018 Thursday
Adventure begins. The doors to a new life are opening.

24-January-2018 Wednesday
18 stories from the life of a repatriate. How boredom called on the road and what came of it.

23-January-2018 Tuesday
There's a lot of snow...

22-January-2018 Monday
There's a lot of snow...

18-January-2018 Thursday
Boredom leads to change in life

15-January-2018 Monday
Philosophy-rich life in a rural library. Love, envy, national question.

12-January-2018 Friday
The Library Adventure Continues

11-January-2018 Thursday
Boris Semyonovich moved from the city to the countryside and never expected that the library could be a source of intrigue and violent passions.

10-January-2018 Wednesday
I am a city dweller, I have never lived in the countryside. A year ago I bought a house, found a job and plunged into rural life. The experience is interesting.

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