worst comments
Ninja in CS:GO
1090739 words, 3363 pages, 199 chapters, 17 hours and 14 minutes, 8 films, 7 books, and one story that will forever remain in our hearts.
something like this..
When your wife is a healer.
Cheese "Chelyabinsk", GOST 1050-88
Musicians on the train play Leningrad - On Louboutins
League of laziness on a walk
When your wife is a healer.
musical ecstasy
Me, my friends and their boyfriends.
Me, my friends and their boyfriends.
Guys, I recommend very funny and funny guys
Guys, I recommend very funny and funny guys
Me, my friends and their boyfriends.
Me, my friends and their boyfriends.
Me, my friends and their boyfriends.
Me, my friends and their boyfriends.
Me, my friends and their boyfriends.
Me, my friends and their boyfriends.
These are the guys I came across at night on the road.
Again comments on YouTube.
Commentary to the clip PSY
I think it's too...