0..o comments, page 2

[16] [3] [2] [1]

10-August-2020 Monday
I confirm. Good Man (Phone Scammers)

05-August-2020 Wednesday
Explosion in Beirut. Satellite images

24-July-2020 Friday
Reply to the post “On the wave of neighbors and simplicity”

09-July-2020 Thursday
A little about Maxim

05-July-2020 Sunday
Well, my 5 cents “about debts”

04-July-2020 Saturday
It is forbidden to speak

15-June-2020 Monday
British School vs JK Rowling

12-June-2020 Friday
Same thing every time

12-June-2020 Friday
Well, where is this...duh?

26-May-2020 Tuesday
If you can take out the banknote without touching the bottle, and the bottle remains in place, then the money is yours...

26-May-2020 Tuesday
A lesson in good manners for a girl

[16] [3] [2] [1]
