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24-June-2019 Monday
Don't throw cigarette butts off the balcony.

12-June-2019 Wednesday
Xena's Warrior Princess costume is a dream come true.

08-June-2019 Saturday
Formulate more clearly, otherwise the descendants will not understand.

02-May-2019 Thursday
The lesson of adequacy

24-April-2019 Wednesday
Two truths about the "unfortunate" pensioner.

17-March-2019 Sunday
What happens after the SIZO?

09-March-2019 Saturday
Disgusting eight

12-February-2019 Tuesday
Norm boy is growing up

09-February-2019 Saturday

06-February-2019 Wednesday
Here you got it! Who will clean it up?

30-January-2019 Wednesday
Alien family - darkness

26-January-2019 Saturday
Starving child (continuation about Vika, my mother)

27-November-2018 Tuesday
Who cursed her like that?

25-February-2013 Monday
About the pre-trial detention center, a post for questions, as promised

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