ChePage 14
03-July-2020 Friday
And this morning's sponsor is the counting of votes for constitutional amendments
14-June-2020 Sunday
Congratulations to everyone born on June 14th!
04-June-2020 Thursday
Does the air spin?
04-June-2020 Thursday
What post
26-April-2020 Sunday
26-April-2020 Sunday
24-April-2020 Friday
My two cents on the topic of the pandemic...
21-February-2020 Friday
It's stupid but funny
13-February-2020 Thursday
Darova, bandits
10-February-2020 Monday
Ernesto, why did you take off your beret?
01-February-2020 Saturday
How to open vodka?
16-January-2020 Thursday
07-January-2020 Tuesday
That's right
21-September-2019 Saturday
Ernesto Che Guevara.
08-June-2019 Saturday
First post
29-May-2019 Wednesday
Another Che