PersiansPage 4
03-November-2024 Sunday
Iran before the Islamic Revolution
28-September-2024 Saturday
Study of the written heritage of Islamic civilization
22-August-2024 Thursday
In the battle with the Egyptians, the Persians covered themselves with cats instead of shields
16-August-2024 Friday
Persian kitten toy or exotic?! Question for experts
29-April-2024 Monday
Spartans [MMV]
300 Spartans
300 спартанцев, Персы
AMV, Персы
Mmv, Персы
Видео, Персы
Video VK
Видео вк, Персы
Ancient Greece
Древняя Греция, Персы
Музыка, Персы
Персы, Рок
Russian rock music
Персы, Русский рок
Персы, Спартанцы
Персы, Фермопилы
24-April-2024 Wednesday
You.bali. It turns out that something like this, in meaning, not literal, but figurative, was known a very, very long time ago
26-February-2024 Monday
S. N. Amazing digital circus UCC
06-December-2023 Wednesday
Why Iran needs a “Palestinian case”
12-November-2023 Sunday
Fine work
04-November-2023 Saturday
What do Iranians like about Russia?
16-August-2023 Wednesday
Exotic cats
03-August-2023 Thursday
Knocking on the doors of immortality
17-July-2023 Monday
Death among the dunes
28-June-2023 Wednesday
Girl performing sama (a type of Persian dance)
12-February-2023 Sunday
How did the ancient Persians choose officials?