29-September-2020 Tuesday
Stuttering. Review of scientific articles on the treatment and symptoms of stuttering
15-June-2020 Monday
Stuttering and DPS. I was a victim, but I became normal))) Funny))
14-June-2020 Sunday
Honest review of real results! Getting rid of stuttering is only through work. Screw the lazy, sick stutterers, dreaming of a pill!
14-June-2020 Sunday
Stuttering. Ignorance and laziness stutter. Who doesn't want to be normal?
14-June-2020 Sunday
Reply to the post “Stuttering. Getting rid of stuttering"
13-June-2020 Saturday
Stuttering. Getting rid of stuttering
01-December-2019 Sunday
Stuttering - is there a chance of cure?
17-October-2019 Thursday
How to get rid of stuttering for a young guy?
30-August-2019 Friday
"Speech is like a river" or an extraordinary book about stuttering
16-August-2019 Friday
Stuttering, continued
04-April-2019 Thursday
Life as a stutterer (need advice)
10-August-2016 Wednesday
League of Speech Impairments
23-April-2016 Saturday
W-w-why!? Or stuttering, as it is.
20-November-2015 Friday
How do I get rid of stuttering.
01-October-2014 Wednesday
The Megan Washington Story. Stuttering. TEDTalk 2014