YouTube (link), Migrants

19-June-2024 Wednesday
A song for all curbside drivers, scooter riders, and sidewalk parkers

15-June-2024 Saturday
Interview with Tolstoy. The topic of migration

08-June-2024 Saturday
Mass fight

06-June-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “The head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, made a number of statements at a meeting on combating crime in the field of migration:”

05-June-2024 Wednesday
The head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, made a number of statements at a meeting on combating crime in the field of migration:

22-May-2024 Wednesday
Degradation of European culture

04-May-2024 Saturday
The deputy proved that migrants are brought to Russia purposefully under the control of the United States and funding from Great Britain, with the permission of Russia

28-April-2024 Sunday
Prison for immigrants in Texas, or - Go! For the American Dream!

19-April-2024 Friday
Don’t rock the boat, there is a huge responsibility to the people, What beautiful words. corruption and bribes

24-March-2024 Sunday
Chronology of terrorist attacks in Russia

04-February-2024 Sunday
Trump announced plans to close the US border if re-elected

18-December-2023 Monday
“Our immigration policy is leading to revolution!” — Tucker Carlson, Jimmy Dore, translation

25-November-2023 Saturday
Reply by zealot2 in “In the Moscow region, two migrants kicked a 76-year-old pensioner for refusing to give them a ride”
