YouTube (link), Deputies

16-May-2024 Thursday
Continuation of the post “The police prevented a meeting of a City Duma deputy with Penza residents on the issue of protecting the park”

15-May-2024 Wednesday
The police prevented a meeting of a City Duma deputy with Penza residents on the issue of protecting the park

04-May-2024 Saturday
The deputy proved that migrants are brought to Russia purposefully under the control of the United States and funding from Great Britain, with the permission of Russia

24-November-2023 Friday
Reply to the post “A woman from the Duma loudly shouted “we don’t vote” several times and one of the parties abstained from voting on the “fair price” bill”

23-November-2023 Thursday
Reply Anonymous in “A woman from the Duma loudly shouted “we don’t vote” several times and one of the parties abstained from voting on the “fair price” bill”
