Youtube, Burn

16-February-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “When choosing between friends and a girlfriend/wife, remember that your coffin will be carried not by a girl, but by your friends...”

27-August-2023 Sunday
17 years of life after burns of 80% of the body

07-November-2022 Monday
At two years old, Zayd suffered burns so severe that doctors say it's a miracle he's still alive.

18-June-2022 Saturday
The death of civilization

01-April-2022 Friday
Continuation of the post "Burns and Dimexide.  Personal experience"

29-March-2022 Tuesday
The details of the explosion of the flask in the Moscow institute were revealed: the chemist mixed up the substances

04-September-2017 Monday
The racer almost burned the crowd alive

30-June-2013 Sunday
I'm not in the mood-and-and!!
