Youtube, Immature
04-July-2024 Thursday
In Russia they want to make a remake of the comedy "The Taming of the Shrew" with Adriano Celentano
21-June-2023 Wednesday
Where does the "earthly" man (=not-real, not Prince) come from in a woman's life?
12-June-2023 Monday
Why does a man admit that he is married and has a child only after he raped a woman and she confessed her love to him?
08-June-2023 Thursday
The man in his entire life had one sexual partner, whom he later married. Is it bad or good?
15-April-2022 Friday
"I don't want to study, I want to get married!", or the ageless wisdom from Fonvizin
21-March-2021 Sunday
My 365 Days of Freelancing
11-June-2020 Thursday
A drop in the treasury of connections in the music world or who David Allan Stewart is