Youtube, Vologodskaya Oblast

29-April-2024 Monday
Criminal dumping of wood waste in the city of Kharovsk. Vologda region, Kharovsky district

06-April-2024 Saturday
The road to the small homeland of Vasily Prokatov, hero of the Soviet Union. Kuzovlevo village, Kharovsky district

27-March-2024 Wednesday
Outskirts of the provincial town of Kharovsk. How people live... Just the facts

19-March-2024 Tuesday
Houses are ghosts. Emergency housing in the Vologda region. Kharovsky district. Just a plot, I just feel sorry for people...

14-February-2024 Wednesday
How our rivers are polluted and the authorities silence those who care

01-February-2024 Thursday
How the head of the Kharovsky district tried to shut my mouth for

18-July-2018 Wednesday
Bright performance of the railway worker in the city of Babaevo
