Youtube, Bogatyr

10-February-2024 Saturday
“Dobrynya” was darkened and polished - I was pleased with the result

15-January-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “There are no shortage of heroes in Rus'”

02-November-2023 Thursday
Switching between third and first person view in Walt The Crusher 0.99 (Download link in description)

31-October-2023 Tuesday
Walt The Crusher 0.99 Available for download. In the trailer - briefly about all the main innovations

27-October-2023 Friday
New abilities for the hero. To make the game more varied

07-August-2023 Monday
Russian heroes in the Horde with gifts

03-August-2023 Thursday
Pyotr Krylov and an official

30-July-2023 Sunday
Pyotr Krylov - the king of kettlebells

13-June-2023 Tuesday
Bylina about Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber

20-November-2022 Sunday
Reply to the post "I thought I saw all the Soviet cartoons, but no: "Son of a Stone", 1982"

18-November-2022 Friday
I thought that I saw all the Soviet cartoons, but no: "Son of a Stone", 1982

19-January-2022 Wednesday
FROM the series about bagatyrs
