Youtube, Asafiev Stas

13-December-2023 Wednesday
Break in case...

27-October-2023 Friday
Let's support the guys!

18-April-2023 Tuesday
Kart stories. Asafiev's new documentary

19-January-2023 Thursday
Stason Herr Kringe - PETROL! (full version)

27-December-2022 Tuesday
Continuation of the post "Scrap has already made Stason-Herr-Kringe"

26-December-2022 Monday
Scrap metal has already made Stason-Herr-Kringe

20-December-2022 Tuesday
Stasitler (Von Stason ger Kringe) for every day

11-June-2020 Thursday
A drop in the treasury of connections in the music world or who David Allan Stewart is
