Twitter, freezing

26-February-2024 Monday
Continuation of the post “Moved”

17-December-2021 Friday
Abnormal frosts are coming to Moscow. For the first time in several years, the capital will have a real Russian winter next week

25-November-2021 Thursday
Typical Yakut childhood. Three children from the Ust-Aldan region of Yakutia carelessly ride a carousel at -48 degrees

09-January-2017 Monday
American diplomats whom Putin refused to send to the US are now forced to freeze in Moscow.

12-January-2016 Tuesday
For those who complain about the cold

05-January-2016 Tuesday

05-January-2016 Tuesday

13-February-2015 Friday
Popcorn in the cold

26-January-2014 Sunday
Maidan bandits release penguins from zoos, freeze them and build barricades from them (

08-January-2014 Wednesday
In light of recent events
