Twitter, Vatobot Prokhorov

16-April-2018 Monday
Statistics on repelling US aggression against Syria

03-April-2018 Tuesday
Libera ..s, help calculate how much hospitals and kindergartens could be built with this money

03-March-2018 Saturday
Look, don't mix it up.

28-February-2018 Wednesday
Expert historian on the wire: about how it really happened

27-January-2018 Saturday
- Not humiliated! Not-at-no-zi-li! And fraternally (and I emphasize this - fraternally!)

09-December-2017 Saturday
Russophobia does not spare

06-December-2017 Wednesday

02-December-2017 Saturday
It's scary to imagine what else Putin is capable of

07-November-2017 Tuesday
Xixiang drowns for a terrorist organization that was preparing terrorist attacks all over Russia This is all we need to know about the "candidate" for President

12-October-2017 Thursday
Ukraine does not understand where to complain this time

06-October-2017 Friday
We didn’t have time to buy S-400 from Putin, when suddenly bam and such a coincidence

03-October-2017 Tuesday
Complaint against Russia to the WTO will follow?

18-February-2017 Saturday
Evil tongues say that on business trips abroad, Klimkin puts on a happy suit of either Poroshenko or Mishiko

12-July-2016 Tuesday
"... walked and whistled with a flask in his right side"
