Twitter, Browser

09-May-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “What kind of RAM is on her laptop”: A two-year story in the form of more than seven thousand tabs”

07-May-2024 Tuesday
“What kind of RAM is on her laptop”: A two-year story in the form of more than seven thousand tabs

01-June-2023 Thursday
Opera is celebrating "Pride Month", they even rolled out a new logo in the official channel, and the slogan says that this is a browser for GAMERS

28-September-2022 Wednesday
Yes, how can I turn it off?

27-September-2022 Tuesday
It also happens

26-January-2022 Wednesday
Yes, the phone laughs at you

26-January-2022 Wednesday
Is it the same for you?

13-March-2019 Wednesday
Browser history

12-May-2016 Thursday
Is it used for something else?

06-April-2015 Monday
Twitter stop!

29-November-2013 Friday
Premiere every night
