Telegram (link), Tajikistan

30-April-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan handed a note to the Russian Ambassador due to violation of the rights of Tajiks [NOT PANORAMA]”

29-April-2024 Monday
The Tajik Foreign Ministry handed a note to the Russian Ambassador due to violations of the rights of Tajiks [NOT PANORAMA]

29-March-2024 Friday
About Tajik migration

27-March-2024 Wednesday
Kinzhaev Khodi Isabaevich. Hero of the Soviet Union. Colorization

23-March-2024 Saturday
About Ukraine's non-involvement in the terrorist attack

02-January-2024 Tuesday
Battle at the 12th border outpost on July 13, 1993

16-December-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post “More than 80 people were detained in Moscow after a scuffle with police officers”

16-December-2023 Saturday
Continuation of the post “More than 80 people were detained in Moscow after a scuffle with police officers”

29-October-2023 Sunday
A little interpretation of our news by the “other” side
