Telegram (link), Penis

27-May-2024 Monday
The famous rapper VACO did not want to serve in the Airborne Forces and fled to the USA

13-May-2024 Monday
Pikabushnik probably

06-April-2024 Saturday
The work of drowning people

31-March-2024 Sunday
In Tatarstan, a 34-year-old woman cut off her man's genitals because of infidelity.

15-February-2024 Thursday
The snow penis still brought schoolchildren under the article on the rehabilitation of Nazism

13-February-2024 Tuesday
Continuation of the post "Beware of Dick"

21-January-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Do you think you have a small penis? This is wrong!"

19-January-2024 Friday
Do you think you have a small dick? It's not that!
