Telegram (link), Butter
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26-November-2024 Tuesday
And you say that retail chains are to blame for everything...

05-October-2024 Saturday
Dear friends, Russian industry appeared on the eighth day of the creation of the world, immediately after rest

26-September-2024 Thursday
Olive posters for the roof. a note!

20-July-2024 Saturday
There is such a profession - lubricating the roller coaster track

01-July-2024 Monday
You buy an oil sprayer and now everything is covered in oil)

21-June-2024 Friday
“Summer in Gurzuf” 1951. Radoman Igor Vladimirovich (1921-1992)

21-June-2024 Friday
After a UAV attack in Krasnodar, the bus station and boiler room buildings were damaged

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