Telegram (link), Dmitry Peskov

01-March-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “Margarita Simonyan stated that she received an audio in which German officers discuss the attack on the Crimean Bridge”

01-March-2024 Friday
Margarita Simonyan stated that she received audio in which German officers discuss the attack on the Crimean bridge

23-February-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “The Collective Security Treaty regarding Armenia was not implemented, and Yerevan froze its participation in it, Pashinyan said”

16-February-2024 Friday
US Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken reacted to Navalny's death by blaming Russia

04-February-2024 Sunday
The Kremlin explained Western statements about the Russian attack

01-November-2023 Wednesday
Peskov on Friedman's return

03-October-2023 Tuesday
Let's go back to the year 1993. We lived wonderfully.” Simonyan spoke about the consequences of a nuclear explosion in the air over Siberia
