Telegram, SMS

28-May-2024 Tuesday
Just think about it: Telegram spends on average about a quarter of all its money on SMS codes to verify accounts

21-February-2024 Wednesday
Telegram began offering to exchange a package of SMS messages for a free subscription

29-June-2022 Wednesday
Phishing, new round

28-May-2022 Saturday
Telegram everything?

01-May-2022 Sunday
In Ukraine, arrests began for the established Telegram and SMS to Russia

21-November-2021 Sunday
Constant calls and messages to restore access from different messengers. What to do?

09-November-2021 Tuesday
Fuck revelations in the morning

20-September-2019 Friday
He will think about you all day

31-October-2018 Wednesday
How the unknown tried to hack me.

15-April-2018 Sunday
In Russia, not only WhatsApp and Viber will be blocked, but also regular SMS

28-December-2016 Wednesday
The main thing is to answer in time

27-November-2014 Thursday
