Sdelanounas ru, Yakutia

30-April-2024 Tuesday
Pozitrone's answer to “BAM connected to the artery of the Lena River (with the Northern Sea Route)”

28-April-2024 Sunday
Pozitrone's answer to “BAM connected to the artery of the Lena River (with the Northern Sea Route)”

28-April-2024 Sunday
Pozitrone's answer to “BAM connected to the artery of the Lena River (with the Northern Sea Route)”

28-April-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “BAM was connected to the artery of the Lena River (with the Northern Sea Route)”

27-April-2024 Saturday
BAM was connected to the artery of the Lena River (with the Northern Sea Route)

07-October-2022 Friday
The first four-lane road appeared in Yakutia and 160 km of the route were asphalted up to the 4th technical category

10-September-2022 Saturday
In Yakutia, the Syllahskoye coal deposit was launched for 1,170 jobs, 387 specialists are currently employed
