Reddit (link), Oddities

14-May-2024 Tuesday
What's the weirdest rule you've ever had to follow in someone else's house?

19-April-2024 Friday
What oddities does your body have?

12-April-2024 Friday
What's the biggest quirk of your partner that you've simply come to terms with?

10-April-2024 Wednesday
What's the weirdest thing you've done with your ex?

26-March-2024 Tuesday
My ex made me dress like Elsa from Frozen during sex

18-March-2024 Monday
What did you get used to living with your parents, and then found out that it was very strange?

13-March-2024 Wednesday
What was the stupidest rule your strict parents had?

19-January-2024 Friday
What piece of history is being deliberately erased from what is happening?

11-December-2023 Monday
What's the strangest thing you've seen in rich houses?
