Reddit (link), Situation

06-June-2024 Thursday
Am I an asshole because I made a woman wet herself?

23-May-2024 Thursday
Peeded like an adult on a pedestrian path. Just looking for sympathy

18-May-2024 Saturday
Continuation of the post “I allowed the girl to drive before we broke up”

16-May-2024 Thursday
The nightmare I couldn't foresee: my wife and our broken heart

05-May-2024 Sunday
Am I an ass for quarreling with my son and disowning him after his girlfriend came to me and told me that he beat her?

30-January-2024 Tuesday
FUCK, if you yelled at my spoiled brother for hitting on my wife?

18-January-2024 Thursday
FUCK for sending away the girl who came to clean my house because she ate my cake?

12-January-2024 Friday
I received the wrong order, but my husband refused to let me go get the correct food. Am I right for not listening to him?

09-January-2024 Tuesday
Will I be a creep if I ask my wife not to pester me for sex so often?

13-October-2023 Friday
How I bought condoms for the first time in my life
