Reddit, Continuation

28-May-2024 Tuesday
Continuation. Am I an asshole for wanting a divorce after my wife told me she almost cheated on me?

27-May-2024 Monday
The final. Am I weird for wanting to divorce my wife after giving birth?

24-May-2024 Friday
CONTINUATION. Am I weird that I want to divorce my wife after giving birth?

01-April-2024 Monday
Continuation of the post “BLAH for insisting on living with his father in order to study at a better school?”

14-January-2024 Sunday
Continuation of the post “BLAH for insisting on living with his father in order to study at a better school?”

21-September-2023 Thursday
Continuation of the post “Am I an asshole for refusing to spend time with my stepsister?”

27-August-2023 Sunday
Continuation of the post “Told the groom who wants to share the cost of living 50/50 that we will have to seriously change our lives. Am I stupid?

13-July-2023 Thursday
Continuation of the post “My husband accused me of financial betrayal: am I crazy?”

24-June-2023 Saturday
Continuation of the post “D*ck am I that I told my neighbor that I should fuck about her boyfriend’s allergies?”

23-June-2023 Friday
Continuation of the post “Am I fucking mad that I didn’t share my diagnosis before they gave me a prank?”

12-June-2023 Monday
Continuation of the post “Damn I that offered an employee a choice between demotion and dismissal?”

28-May-2023 Sunday
Continuation of the post "Am I fucked up that I took a gift from my boyfriend after he insulted me with my "turbulent" past?"
