Reddit, Pandemic

26-May-2024 Sunday
What happened during the COVID-19 pandemic that is still affecting your daily life? Part 3

26-May-2024 Sunday
What happened during the COVID-19 pandemic that is still affecting your daily life? Part 2

26-May-2024 Sunday
What happened during the COVID-19 pandemic that is still affecting your daily life?

23-April-2024 Tuesday
How I quit at the beginning of the lockdown

12-April-2024 Friday
Should we take all the pranks seriously? Okay, cook 180 huge pizzas!

22-January-2022 Saturday
Response to the post "Time to score on each other?"

21-June-2021 Monday
Me and 40,000 other vaccinated fans at the Foo Fighters concert at Madison Square Garden, New York

16-January-2021 Saturday
Ceremonial costume for social events in the current conditions

28-November-2020 Saturday
remote work

16-March-2020 Monday
History repeats itself?
