Pfizer, The medicine

10-January-2022 Monday
British woman reportedly came out of a coma from COVID-19 after taking Viagra

09-November-2021 Tuesday
The Deception of the Century: Doctors Injected a Real Vaccine instead of Saline

03-November-2021 Wednesday
Response to "Pfizer Vaccine Trials Completely Wrong - The BMJ"

03-November-2021 Wednesday
Pfizer Vaccine Trial Passed With Numerous Violations - The BMJ

26-August-2021 Thursday
Response to Israel: Pfizer's Largest Independent Vaccine Study. The findings of Israeli doctors published in the New England Journal of Medicine

26-August-2021 Thursday
Israel: Pfizer's largest independent vaccine study. The findings of Israeli doctors published in the New England Journal of Medicine

20-March-2021 Saturday
Cancer vaccines may be available in a couple of years

17-January-2021 Sunday
Deaths in Norway after immunization with the Pfizer-BNT vaccine. Facts and their context...

17-January-2021 Sunday
13 Israelis had facial paralysis after getting Pfizer shot

08-December-2020 Tuesday
William Shakespeare vaccinated against coronavirus in Britain

28-November-2020 Saturday
American vaccine against coronavirus began to deliver around the world

25-November-2020 Wednesday
Too early to rejoice? WHO questions effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines

08-December-2017 Friday
Haemophilia B gene therapy has successfully cured ten patients so far
