Papercraft, Бумажное моделирование

19-July-2016 Tuesday
New paper model. Montefortino type helmet (author's version)

05-February-2016 Friday
"Toy Train", Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

14-June-2015 Sunday
Sfotkal T-50 while he is waiting for the end of the session.

14-March-2015 Saturday
While the Space Marine Helmet is waiting for the arrival of the epoxy, I decided to be a little smarter on the new mask, how do you like it?

09-March-2015 Monday
Hello everyone, I finally decided to sign up for a peekaboo, here are a couple of pictures of my hobby =3, more pictures in the comments =)

21-February-2015 Saturday
ZIL-130 from paper - assembly process

19-February-2015 Thursday
Gear Heart - instructions
