Kremlinru, Children

13-March-2024 Wednesday
Vladimir Putin answered Dmitry Kiselev’s questions. The President, in an interview with a journalist, told how he sees the future of Russia

13-March-2024 Wednesday
Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the winners of the Leaders of Russia management competition

12-December-2023 Tuesday
Vladimir Putin holds a meeting via video link on the development of support settlements in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation - Northern Sea Route

06-December-2023 Wednesday
Russian President V.V. Putin took part in a meeting of the supervisory board of the children's and youth "Movement of the First"

05-December-2023 Tuesday
Vladimir Putin took part in the award ceremony for the winners of the #WeAreTogether International Prize

30-November-2023 Thursday
Vladimir Putin held a meeting with participants of the III Congress of Young Scientists

21-November-2023 Tuesday
Extraordinary BRICS summit with the participation of Russian President V.V. Putin amid the worsening situation in the Gaza Strip
