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21-July-2021 Wednesday
Post about help in solving the problem. Screen problems (connecting two screens)

08-May-2021 Saturday
An interesting question for those in the know

25-December-2020 Friday
PC button accordions

27-October-2020 Tuesday
Pk 35-40k

07-October-2020 Wednesday
Experts suggested installing “Russian Windows” on all computers

21-July-2020 Tuesday
Thanks to people like this I have a job

28-June-2020 Sunday
Weekdays pc assembler part 2

27-June-2020 Saturday
Weekdays PC assembler

26-June-2020 Friday
Typical news from the PC world: "S... A" releases "... "on board with "... "

05-June-2020 Friday
Assembly Tips

04-June-2020 Thursday
What kind of connector is this?

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