Google, Java

29-October-2022 Saturday
Creation of Android applications without programming skills. Convert html page to apk file

27-November-2019 Wednesday
Java, logging, suddenly Google

17-August-2019 Saturday
You've already been followed

30-May-2018 Wednesday
Application in 3 days or how to hate football

17-July-2016 Sunday

03-May-2016 Tuesday
What was Android like in 2007

06-November-2015 Friday
A bit of contempt for the garbage collector, or what people are looking for in Google (professional humor post; translation in the comments)

07-June-2015 Sunday
A moment of poetry from Google

22-April-2015 Wednesday
Unity Web Player and Java support disabled in Google Chrome 42

23-February-2015 Monday
Play Market of my childhood)

14-September-2013 Saturday
So here's what to do
