Frontend, React

11-February-2024 Sunday
Useful cheat sheets for Javascript, React developers

28-November-2023 Tuesday
Minimum Required for Frontender

06-November-2023 Monday
Choosing technology for a portal with perfect SEO

05-November-2023 Sunday
Recorded a video experiment about changing the stack

13-June-2023 Tuesday
Dissecting Million.js and Finding Birth Injuries

30-April-2023 Sunday
We dissect TamaGUI and are horrified by the modern frontend

26-December-2022 Monday
Big State Managers Benchmark

16-December-2022 Friday
Framework for likes

24-September-2022 Saturday
7 Best Libraries for Building Effective ReactJS Applications

16-March-2022 Wednesday
The Peacenotwar module sabotages npm developers in the node-ipc (vue-cli) package in protest against the invasion of Ukraine

24-November-2019 Sunday
WhiteWhite (log in to IT)

09-September-2019 Monday
Middle+ Front end developer (not a path)
