Faa, Technologies
28-June-2024 Friday
Flight over Le Mans: how the Mercedes CLR took off from the ground. 25 years ago, one of the most spectacular incidents in motorsport history took place.
31-October-2023 Tuesday
The FAA has completed its safety review for the updated Starship/Super Heavy license.
13-September-2023 Wednesday
What can I say... circus duo FAA and SpaceX
26-March-2022 Saturday
FAA postpones the decision on the environmental assessment of Starship SpaceX for another month - on April 29
12-December-2021 Sunday
The FAA will complete the astronaut wings program for commercial flights. Space News
15-November-2021 Monday
FAA expects to complete environmental review of SpaceX spaceport in Texas by December 31
24-September-2020 Thursday
The world's most powerful icebreaker will try its hand