Disgusting Men, A life

22-March-2020 Sunday
Coronavirus and quarantine in UZ!

27-December-2019 Friday
How I traded Christmas trees

06-December-2019 Friday
The sad story of Richard Banson - "the worst guitarist in the world"

03-December-2019 Tuesday
How to fight in the snow: 6 rules for winter fighting

03-December-2019 Tuesday
The luckiest guy in the solar system: stories of people who were hit by a meteorite

29-November-2019 Friday
A slug, 42 eggs and a sex marathon: a bet that ended badly

28-November-2019 Thursday
Biking on snow and ice: how I fell in love with winter

27-November-2019 Wednesday
How I learned Wing Chun and tried to become a Kung Fu master

21-November-2019 Thursday
“The closer to the water, the better it sells.” Beer consultant - about the history, models of beer consumption and Russian craft beer

18-November-2019 Monday
“Smeshariki”, OBEP and robbery: how I worked as a salesman of computer disks

13-November-2019 Wednesday
Venice is flooded: everyone is worried, but this is not the first time for the city

12-November-2019 Tuesday
The closest thing to a monkey uprising: in Uganda, chimpanzees declared war on people
