Disciples 2, Computer games

21-May-2024 Tuesday
Disciples 2. What unusual and interesting things did you achieve?

28-June-2023 Wednesday
Hall Aid, Disciples II

15-May-2023 Monday
Just a bit of passive aggression towards the current owner of the series

10-May-2023 Wednesday
Helping a newbie who is 20 years too late

06-May-2023 Saturday
Accumulating rating to open a community dedicated to Disciples

27-April-2022 Wednesday
Advisor from the Legion of the Damned and The Nightmare of the Undead Hordes

18-January-2022 Tuesday
This phrase sounds especially ironic when you play as the undead.

08-June-2020 Monday
Adepts of the sword and conventions. Mountain Clans

21-February-2015 Saturday
remember the old, good ...... Zalipalov's watch :)
