Detective Conan, Anime
14-January-2024 Sunday
You can't lie to the teacher
24-November-2022 Thursday
Japanese starting lineup
24-February-2021 Wednesday
Rock version of the main theme of the anime Detective Conan (Marty Friedman & Naoki Marioka)
19-January-2021 Tuesday
05-November-2020 Thursday
What kind of governor would there be if Beglov did not exist?
21-August-2020 Friday
Blake Belladonna
10-July-2020 Friday
Detective Conan
20-June-2020 Saturday
Neko Chika
29-December-2019 Sunday
YDIYA's Works
06-September-2019 Friday
Why do I like long anime
29-May-2019 Wednesday
Chinese under the guise of manga
09-April-2018 Monday
Detective Conan
05-March-2018 Monday
My review of the anime Detective Conan.
01-March-2018 Thursday
Detective Conan - Worth a look? [Review]
22-January-2018 Monday
Detective Conan
09-April-2016 Saturday
Detective Conan Art 2
09-April-2016 Saturday
Detective Conan Art
06-April-2016 Wednesday
Detective Conan
10-June-2015 Wednesday
About the age of characters in long series
23-March-2013 Saturday
It's always like this for me :c