Deathcore, Rock

14-February-2024 Wednesday
New from Will Ramos

24-March-2023 Friday
Help me find a similar track ( Dexcore - Savior )

28-February-2022 Monday
"This life ... I took it myself!" the story of one of my favorite bands - Slaughter to Prevail

07-February-2022 Monday
Are any of you listening to these favorite bands of mine?

01-October-2021 Friday
SHADOW OF INTENT - From Ruin... We Rise (Official Music Video)

29-September-2017 Friday

24-October-2014 Friday
Evolution/progress of Bring Me The Horizon over the past eight years

28-July-2014 Monday
When you listen to deathcore.

28-January-2014 Tuesday
Girls listening to rock are divine

06-December-2013 Friday
A list of really explosive songs, otherwise they will stuff all sorts of Numb

24-September-2013 Tuesday
A minute of deathcore on peekaboo.

19-August-2013 Monday
What are rock stars these days?
