Blizzard, Wow
Page 38

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28-January-2020 Tuesday
10 Rarest Items in World of Warcraft History

11-December-2019 Wednesday
Blizzard changed its mind about adapting the plot of Warcraft III: Reforged to World of Warcraft

08-October-2019 Tuesday
Hold on Stormwind, we're coming!

02-October-2019 Wednesday
BlizzCon 2019 Virtual Tickets - Extended Broadcast Access and In-Game Items

29-September-2019 Sunday
Sylvanas Windrunner.Author: Ceejay Cabanban.

25-September-2019 Wednesday
Azeroth awaits heroes!

24-September-2019 Tuesday
Final of the military company 8.2.5. Intro video and End video

05-September-2019 Thursday
Discount on World of Warcraft, as well as Battle for Azerot.

03-September-2019 Tuesday
Briefly about the launch of WOW Classic servers

03-September-2019 Tuesday
Felguard and Imp fan art.Author: Wenmo Zhang

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