Android, Survey

03-June-2024 Monday
A reader ordered me a T-Mobile G1 from China - this is the first mass-produced Android smartphone in the world. Should we backport VK, YouTube and Telegram clients there?

15-May-2024 Wednesday
Gaming for 300: how I bought and revived a cheap game console on Android. Is it possible to play and save on shawarma?

09-May-2024 Thursday
They don't make them like this anymore: look at the masterpiece BlackBerry Priv. How did the blackberry company make the coolest smartphone?

27-April-2024 Saturday
Why there is no point in arguing which is better: iPhone or Android

21-March-2024 Thursday
Alternative Apple manufacturing: how and why did I exchange the original iPhone for a Chinese non-working fake for 1000 rubles?

17-March-2024 Sunday
What Android do you have?

22-February-2024 Thursday
I won’t play nobility: how manufacturers of cheap smartphones build service life into their devices

22-November-2023 Wednesday
About my love for technology, maybe it’s a midlife crisis, or maybe something else?

30-September-2023 Saturday
Why the hell have system applications turned into paid services?

24-January-2017 Tuesday
Important question

10-March-2016 Thursday
Attempt at writing.

12-March-2014 Wednesday
Poll for pikabushniki and my subscribers

24-March-2013 Sunday
Android vs iOS
