Am I the asshole, Disappointment

11-May-2024 Saturday
Continuation of the post “Am I an asshole for not wanting anything to do with my brother even after he tried to kill himself?”

07-February-2024 Wednesday
Continuation of the post “Am I an asshole if I told the bride that my daughter should be present at the wedding?”

12-November-2023 Sunday
Am I an asshole if a pregnant friend called me a golddiger with a craving for youngsters, and I responded by calling her because of problems with her daddy?

16-October-2023 Monday
Am I an asshole for leaving to work in a cafe?

15-September-2023 Friday
Reply to the post “Am I an asshole for leaving my own wedding because my husband embarrassed me?”

14-September-2023 Thursday
Continuation of the post “Am I an asshole for leaving my own wedding because my husband embarrassed me?”

14-September-2023 Thursday
Am I an asshole for leaving my own wedding because my husband embarrassed me?

07-September-2023 Thursday
Am I an asshole for not giving my adoptive parents the money I received from my father’s parents?

07-September-2023 Thursday
Am I fucking for wanting nothing to do with my brother even after he tried to kill himself?

05-September-2023 Tuesday
Am I crazy that I didn't tell my friend's parents about her death?

27-August-2023 Sunday
Am I the f*ck that I didn't let the girl eat the naan we ordered?

25-August-2023 Friday
Continuation of the post “Am I fucking that I want to sell my share in the apartment to my parents for the full price?”

24-August-2023 Thursday
Am I fucked if I turned down my boyfriend's gift because he was chosen by his mom?

10-July-2023 Monday
Continuation of the post “D*ck am I if I told the bride that my daughter should attend the wedding?”

10-July-2023 Monday
Am I a dick if I told the bride that my daughter had to attend the wedding?

18-June-2023 Sunday
Am I the f*ck that I lashed out at my husband for sharing photos of his daughter's birthday party and causing my family to know about it?

07-June-2023 Wednesday
Am I crazy that I "kidnapped" my child, causing my husband to have a panic attack?

21-May-2023 Sunday
Are we fucking kicking our youngest 19 year old son to sell the house and travel in retirement?
