Am I the asshole, Pregnancy

16-May-2024 Thursday
Am I an asshole for not reducing the amount of child support that the child’s father pays?

29-April-2024 Monday
Blah for asking my mother-in-law not to pester me with questions about pregnancy?

26-March-2024 Tuesday
FUCK, what did I tell my guy that he has no say in this part of my pregnancy?

11-March-2024 Monday
Am I an asshole for calling my friend an idiot for wanting a maternity test?

06-December-2023 Wednesday
Asshole for announcing my pregnancy

05-December-2023 Tuesday
My pregnant wife is angry and doesn't want to talk to me

29-November-2023 Wednesday
Continuation of the post “My husband accused me of financial betrayal: am I an asshole?”

26-November-2023 Sunday
Am I an asshole for asking my girlfriend to have an abortion?

05-November-2023 Sunday
Am I an asshole for hiding the move from my pregnant neighbor to avoid confrontation?

30-October-2023 Monday
Am I an asshole because I don’t want my husband to go to his daughter’s fencing competition?

19-October-2023 Thursday
FUCK, what did I tell my son that his pregnant girlfriend will live with us regardless of his opinion, and I’m going to give her his money for her studies?

08-October-2023 Sunday
Am I an ass for ruining the pregnancy announcement?

06-October-2023 Friday
Reply to the post “Am I an asshole for pretending to be asleep to check if my wife was lying?”

27-September-2023 Wednesday
Would I (19F) be an asshole if I moved out without telling my parents I was pregnant and went to live with my boyfriend?

09-September-2023 Saturday
Am I an asshole for not wanting to kiss my pregnant mother-in-law’s belly?

05-September-2023 Tuesday
Am I crazy because I love my friend's pregnant wife?

18-August-2023 Friday
Continuation of the post “My husband accused me of financial betrayal: am I crazy?”

29-June-2023 Thursday
Am I fucking cut off contact with my friend's daughter?
