2015, Future

20-January-2016 Wednesday
Apparently until 20015 we will not get rid of the dollar - as Yandex predicted today.

20-October-2015 Tuesday
Welcome to the future.

20-October-2015 Tuesday
I took a look at the time...

30-July-2015 Thursday
We waited: Lexus will introduce a flying skateboard on August 5

22-March-2015 Sunday
This year is not only pi, but also lost (to stay alive).

21-March-2015 Saturday
This year is not only pi, but also lost (Stay alive)

26-January-2015 Monday
Chak-chak from the future.

24-January-2015 Saturday
Russia. Forecast for the future from Deripaska

16-January-2015 Friday
Not a hover skate, of course, but 2015, I like you :)

03-January-2015 Saturday
The foggy future of Europe: what problems will the EU face in 2015

03-January-2015 Saturday
About 2015 and the movie back to the future.

31-December-2014 Wednesday
Hello from 2015!

12-December-2014 Friday
And I remind you that this is exactly what police cars will be like next year

02-November-2014 Sunday
Gorgeous art!

29-September-2014 Monday
WTF? Website from the future?

10-July-2014 Thursday
Just information...

07-January-2014 Tuesday
Scientists, you have one more year

08-May-2013 Wednesday
