Legal literacy, Lawyers
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17-May-2024 Friday
About the time frame for considering citizens' appeals...

02-March-2024 Saturday
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation canceled or not the 10th deadline for delivery of registration of a vehicle

15-December-2023 Friday
Is it possible to pick up money on the street and why not?

12-October-2023 Thursday
How can you avoid paying for utilities if you don’t live in an apartment?

18-August-2023 Friday
League of Lawyers Help!

05-May-2023 Friday
In the bag? Analysis of the bankruptcy procedure of a mushroom farm

21-April-2023 Friday
Response to the post “Wildberries Appeals Consumer Right Not to Pay for Marriage Returns? What is the essence of the claim of Rospotrebnadzor in consumer protection?

06-April-2023 Thursday
Lawyers, we need your help!

13-September-2022 Tuesday
Who is to blame in the case of an accident with a sidewall?

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