Football, Hooliganism

07-October-2019 Monday
The cost of throwing money from a helicopter

02-June-2019 Sunday
The Instagram account of the girl who ran onto the field in the Champions League final was blocked. In a day, he collected more than 2,500,000 subscribers

03-February-2019 Sunday
cat vs football

26-October-2018 Friday
Mamaev is tired of being in jail

11-October-2018 Thursday
Mamaev sent to jail after Kokorin

09-October-2018 Tuesday
Kokorin and Mamaev excelled again.

16-May-2018 Wednesday
Sporting fans attacked the team and injured the players

03-April-2016 Sunday
In Croatia, a 73-year-old fan attacked the referee with a bat

21-October-2013 Monday
The work of a sniper is hard, even on vacation my hands itch.

15-September-2013 Sunday
We just wanted to make the world a little better... But we didn't have enough growth!
