Finland, Electricity

27-May-2023 Saturday
Electricity prices in Finland hit negative levels

09-November-2022 Wednesday
You can leave one lamp on: what to do in case of a power outage. Finland

31-October-2022 Monday
Energy crisis in Finland

30-October-2022 Sunday
Bloomberg: Finns risk dying from cold due to lack of electricity from Russia

02-September-2022 Friday
Finns are increasingly skeptical about buying an electric car

26-August-2022 Friday
In October, Finland launches an energy saving campaign - "Save energy, nature and your own money"

13-May-2022 Friday
Delphi: Russia is already taking revenge - it stops exporting electricity to Finland

12-September-2017 Tuesday
Finland built the first wind farm in the Baltic Sea Daniil Revadze

11-June-2017 Sunday
The Finns taught the material to generate electricity from three sources
